Sunday, May 4, 2008

First Ever Star 5 Calf

We waited and what seemed a day that would never arrive at the ranch. It finally did. Our first Lowline Angus and Santa Gertrudis Star 5 calf, she's a heifer and red. What makes this calf unique is she is the very first ever in the US Star 5 calf of this cross. We are very excited to welcome this heifer unnamed as of yet to the ranch. Her sire is Murrumbong LGL Bluey, the first Fullblood Lowline Bull to be exported to the US from Australia and first Fullblood to be registered with the American Lowline Registry. She is out of Bieri 667. We so look forward to great things from this heifer. She will be recorded with SGBI as a Star 5 and registered with ALR as a Half-blood Lowline.

As the research has shown Half-blood Lowlines have a birth weight of 59 lbs. This girl weighed in at 55 lbs. Lowlines are excellent for first calving heifers. It's so very tough for a heifer to deliver those huge 70+ pound calves. We don't worry about our Santa Gertrudis Heifers delivering this size calf. All of our first calf heifers are bred for Lowline calves unless they are in our show string.

Look for more information on this wonderful addition to our herd on our website.