Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricane Ike

I'm sure there are plenty of bloggers who are writing today who are in the Houston area about the coming storm. So I'll join the group.

An hour ago I made the decision to leave because of my mother's decision to leave her house. If the expected storm surge reaches what is expected she will have a minimum of 4 feet of water in the house. So off to the ranch she goes with horses in tow. Our horse now makes the ranch her permanent residence so all I have to haul out today is the rabbits. There are about 35 to take with me.

So far no Rita type evacuation. That's good! Yet I've provided my Mom and myself with a really good map that shows not just back roads but county roads, too. This should make leaving easier.

I hope we have a home to come home to. We did from Rita, we'll see with this storm. I'm glad Larry decided to leave, he has a host of computers to take with him from our business, since that is how we run our business.

The ranch won't just house our family over the weekend, but will house one to two more families. No enough beds....oh, well.

I've got a lot of work to get done today, I should have a lot of pictures of the house when through if it hits on the current track.

One last item, if you have not said a prayer today, please do for our country, our leaders and the Survivors of the World Trade Center.


1 comment:

Kat_RN said...

You mentioned this in your scrapbooks etc. post so I decided to have a look. I like it too. Hope all is well at the ranch.