I needed to relax in the worse way and stay away from politics right now. It's driving me nuts!
So best way to relax when it is over 100 degrees outside is to scrap. I'm moving pretty slow for the most part. This was forACOT's 52 Challenges...Week 7. We had to take a picture of what we considered to be art in our world. What is considered normal and maybe you might just walk by. I thought to myself what in the world on a ranch can be considered art. I don't have an old barn any more, it was falling down and not worth fixing. Then it dawned on me....the fences, the right picture taken and it becomes art. It's also something I check every week to make sure there are no holes. That is two hours of work. This was also the LO for 52 Sketches...52 Weeks #31.
Then a LO I started six weeks ago and finished two weeks ago because I had mental block on the title. It's hard sometimes to think this is a 7x7 LO. I had so much fun with the LO using my revolution to do all the work except for the background paper. I took so many pictures of my Tahition Sunset that I just couldn't title it with the name of the rose. It was just such a fun LO to do! This layout was for 52 Sketches...52 Weeks Week #25 entry.
Lloyd Doggett is the Representative from District 25 in Texas. What a shame I didn't know he was going to host a town hall meeting in Austin last Saturday. Larry and I so would have been there since we were in Austin that day. No he doesn't represent us, we are represented by Chet Edwards (Dem) and Ron Paul (Rep). Why two representatives, we have homes. Larry is registered in Brazoria County and I'm registered in Limestone County.
I have found in being around town, Groesbeck, for meals the subject of conversations is the Health Care Bill as well as the Cap and Trade Bill. As the weeks have gone by the anger in the voices at these conversations just keeps getting worse. Am I angry, I've been angry at Congress since the early 90's. These dimwits both Republican and Democrats are selling us out. They truly have surrounded themselves with Special Interest Groups. They have forgotten that it is me and you they work for.
So last night I saw this on both the local Waco news and National ABC News. I went to You Tube this morning and found this video, the very same one they took a clip from for the news services.
I almost died when I saw the response by Rep. Doggett. Did he forget Senator Cornyn got a huge boo on the steps of our great state's capital in Austin at the July 4th Tea Party. Rep. Doggett this is not a Republican thing going on, it is some very angry independent voters, Republicans, and Democrats like me who do not want socialism or an increase in our growing 9 trillion dollar debt. Why can you not understand to stop spending money we do not have. I have not received one email from an organizer and neither have my friends. Your response was so out of line that it was Republicans organizing this! WAKE UP SIR!
If you don't think Doggett didn't get it watch these videos. The video above the photographer says he did not represent the Republican Party so as you watch these realize that Rep. Doggett is flat out lying.
Yes, the Republican Party put out the second video, unfortunate to add their spin as they are as guilty as Democrats with their own spin. But listen to his response to MSNBC, he really doesn't get it.
Here is a couple of other things these dimwits who represent us from Texas. We are an oil and gas rich state. We have an Oil and Gas Transportation Co. Quote from what we are hearing as rigs both offshore and land are being stacked. "We won't do anything until we get rid of Obama and the current Congress,' is what we are hearing from our customers. This is both the large and small companies we service in the Oil and Gas fields. Our income is severely down. It is now down 80%. If these corporations won't do anything then neither will other corporations. So are we out of the recession, NOPE! Better think very carefully how you vote mid term and again in 2012. . Ok, that's enough of my soap box.
I'm chuckling his job is on the line. Is it such a novel concept to start with an entire clean slate in Washington? I would love that to happen!
Larry and I headed of for Austin on Friday night. We were excited if for no other reason then to have our 1959 Airstream Camper behind us. It's almost done being refurbished! It just needs a buff, Larry wants a shine and I want a buff shine.
Our mission to attend the Farmers Markets in Austin. We started at Sunset Valley Farmers Market which is ranked in the Top Ten in America. Wonderful time and I was struck that it was pet friendly. Then of to Austin Farmers Market in downtown. Another great Farmers Market. What did we purchase. Some Free Trade Katz coffee, two half pints of Texas Blueberries and a loaf of Sour Dough Bread. But that isn't why we went. We want to control the price of our beef, it was to see how vendors selling meat set up to sell their beef, lamb, pork and poultry. From my reading on the web there is a vaccum for grain fed beef at the markets. We have only seen grass fed beef. Consumers at the market are concerned with how their beef is grown. We have always fed our calves out on pasture and grain at the same time. They finish beautifully that way. In 2010 we will have our first large calf crop and need a way to sell our steers and heifers not able to go into purebred operations as breeding animals. We don't want to accept the prices feedlots are willing to pay. So lets skip the middle man and go straight to the consumer. Consumers at the markets are concerned about Gentically Modified (GM) Grains in their diets, so we will find a source for GM Free Grains.
It is an adventure to look forward to. I love Farmers Markets! Find one near you and get to know your local Farmers!