I've had falling outs over the years with friends, close friends we have always patched them up. That's what true friends do. I have two best friends. I'll get around to scrapping a picture of Karen. Karen and I have been friends for a very long time, this year in November will be 39 years. I'm blessed to have Karen in my life.
The other best friend is really what this post is all about. Rebecca was first introduced to me as Reb. My first meeting I remember of Rebecca was Work Week for Formal Rush (ok I know it's now called recruitment, just let me remember my past fondly) during the fall semester of my senior year. I'd only pledged (yeah, I know it's not that any more, too) the semester before. She was the tallest member of our chapter, Zeta Theta of Delta Zeta. Elegant, too! It was the first day of work week. I asked another sister where she came from. She looked at me like I was nuts....sorry I'm just a neophyte (yeah, can't use that either). I'm a month and half from my initiation. The first week of my pledgeship was such a blurr....and Reb left for home due to health problems. She was picking up where she left off as a second semester Freshman.
A couple of evenings later I walked downstairs to find Reb sitting on the floor of all things. I asked something like, Your not a morning person? She replied with a yes. Can I join you. The first of many nights that drag into early morning with my sister. There on the floor of the living room of the very quiet sorority house Rebecca and I got to know each other. Our friendship just continued to grow. We were close, close as real sisters. I'm delighted to say we still are. We place no conditions on each other. We have fun, laugh, cry and share everything. She is my rock at times and I'm hers at times. I thank her for telling me very forcefully, 'Grow up and Get Dressed.' She took me shopping, taught me what would look good on me, did a make over on me, gave me my first perm, taught me how to curl my hair properly. The days of big Farah Faucet hair! Something this jeans and t-shirt gal never had her mother teach her. Gosh why did I have to wait until I was 21 to learn all of that. So I did grow up and get dressed. I'm sure like me she could tell you something about me that made a significant difference in her life.
Our sons, James and Ryan, were born 3 months apart. When she moved to Austin, then Oklahoma, then Reno and now back closer to her parents the boys grew apart. I'm sure they would immediately become the friends they were back then. Lynn and Ryan have reconnected and stay in touch via Facebook. We are blessed with our well adjusted young adult children.
We constantly reaffirm our promise we made in college to each other. When we grow old, out live the men in our lives, we will live together and spend our days on the porch swing deep in discussion as we watch the world go by. I can't think of a better thing to do with Rebecca.
My Best Friend,
My Sister,
Love, Reb 1/84
I found the picture just this past Sunday beneath another in one of those key chains that holds pictures. So afraid I'd loose track of it which I'm so good at putting it some place safe that I end up loosing what ever I put in the safe place. So I immediately decided to scrap it. Reb used her pinking shears to the photo....that wasn't me. I love this LO, as Reb has always loved wearing deep rich colors. I felt the paper reflected that. She loves Pearls the best I think, but a little bling never hurt either. Love you, Reb!
I'd like to thank 52 Sketches...52 Weeks for providing the sketch this week (2009 Sketch #8). I so appreciate them letting me remember with such fondness our time in the early years of our friendship as active sisters of Delta Zeta.
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