Monday, February 16, 2009

Passion - Our Ranch

Thank you Pink Sketches for a great sketch to work with! I loved Sketch #20. It was a sketch I wanted to use very simply with a quote for my journaling.

The most beautiful action in the world is to love.
Bertha Von Suttner

I so loved keeping the LO true to the sketch. I've found myself lately with various sketches changing them up and adding more of me. This one though is how I look at my life...very simple and uncomplicated. Agriculture does that for me. I'm always talking about the continuity of the seasons and how life moves in circles. The cattle, horses, wildlife here at the ranch is what I love and am so passionate about. I think love and passion go hand in hand. One can't get monetarily rich from a farm or ranch, it is a work of love that keeps one close to land.

I thought the pictures of two of our Santa Gertrudis cows were perfect. Both were pregnant at the time, Spr. 2008 The cow in the top picture gave us a gorgeous Half-blood Lowline heifer who is in our show string. The other a sweet Santa Gertrudis heifer who will be staying in the herd to give us her own calves. Spring is early this year. Trees are beginning to bud and some have even popped their buds. The cows hardly look to you as they are busy eating the winter rye that has taken a sudden burst of growth with the recent rain and warmer days. The spring grasses are beginning to poke through the soil.

I'm so passionate about my life!


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